16 Mar 2020

How to Format your Resume

Hiring managers are usually extremely busy and do not have time to dig for information in a stack of resumes.  You may be a perfect fit for the opportunity you are applying for, but you will be eliminated swiftly if your resume is not formatted correctly.

Medical Device Resume Services

A well-organized and clear resume is crucial in catching the attention of hiring managers. The resume should highlight relevant experience, skills, and education and present the information in an easy-to-read format. It's essential to tailor the resume to the specific job you are applying for; Using keywords and phrases that match the job description is a good trick.

It's essential to ensure your resume is easy to read and concise. Use clear headings, bullet points, and concise language to break up information and make it easy for the hiring manager to scan and understand quickly. Customize your resume to fit any specific job you are applying for, and highlight the skills and qualifications that match the requirements listed in the job description. Make sure to proofread for errors and typos as well. Making a good first impression with your resume is crucial, so take the time to ensure it is professional and well-presented.


Below are some easy-to-fix and surprisingly prevalent mistakes made when creating/updating your resume:

  • Not describing what products or services your current company offers.
  • Not providing two to three sentences that describe your role.
  • Separate sections for achievements instead of putting achievements under each position you have held.
  • Bullet points should not be used to describe what you do ---instead, they should be used to document results and bring attention to them.

I've created the video below to provide additional information: The 4 Most Common Resume Mistakes.


Resume Services For Life Science Jobs




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